26 августа, 2024

What is the Age, Number of friends & Height (in cm) of Steve, Alex and Herobine?

What is the Age, Number of friends & Height (in cm) of Steve, Alex and Herobine?

Use the following 9 statements to figure it out:

1) Herobrine's only got one friend, Notch.

2) Steve is one year older than Alex.

3) Steve and Herobrine are the same height.

4) 20 years ago, Herobrine was twice as old as the combined age of Steve and Alex.

5) Steve is accumulating 61 friends every year. Impressive!

6) The difference between the number of friends of Alex and Steve is exactly Herobrine's height.

7) Alex was born 66 cm tall. She gained 4 cm of height every year since then.

8) If every year, starting from now, Herobrine were to double his friend count, then in 11 years he would have 331 fewer friends than Steve. (Remember, Steve also gains friends every year!)

9) Alex has 114 more friends than 5 times the combined height of Steve and herself.